2007 Annual Homeowner’s Association Meeting Minutes

June 21st, 2007

Jim Williams called the meeting to order at 640PM.


Opening comments: A reminder to all members that house plans need to be submitted to the ARC and approved prior to construction. There was a brief discussion of whether the quorum had been met. (Note: Subsequent review of the sign in sheets revealed that a total of 47 eligible lot owners were present. Approximately 3 lot owners had not paid dues, it was not certain who owned 3 lots, and 4 lots had been merged to 2, therefore, a quorum of eligible lot owners was likely present at the meeting).


Treasurer Report: Details of subdivision finances were given to everyone at the meeting. Discussion of 2008 budget ensued, was voted on, and approved by the members present. The budget and financial report will be available on the website for review. There was some discussion of placing the cash in an easily accessible money market account as well as using the interest from such an account to finance the social committee’s functions. This will be left up to the board to decide.


Landscape Discussion: Discussion of the current landscape company and there performance. Since they are new, it was decided to continue to follow their performance and re-bid contract if necessary.


Security Committee: 2 options were explored: Gated subdivision and continuous electronic monitoring. Despite contact of several local companies, none submitted bids. Gated subdivision would likely be costly as road maintenance would fall on the members. Electronic video may be cost effective, particularly if a member near the entrance of the subdivision would volunteer to have the camera at their house. However, it would require filtering through video if something were to occur. Neighborhood watch would likely be most effective option for the subdivision. Everyone should watch out for one another.


Social Committee: Several upcoming events were discussed. It was emphasized that no dues have been used thus far for any events (see Treasurer report). Once again: Thanks to the Khan’s for the use of their yard and driveway!


Political Committee: The city has been asked to keep the area maintained next to the water tower and subdivision. Road maintenance and a left turn lane at the entrance were also discussed. Left turn lane for those exiting the subdivision would likely require a petition from the subdivision. Easiest solution: Please go to the left if exiting the subdivision, thus allowing those turning right easier egress.


Bylaws Committee: The sequence of bylaws rewrites and recommendations was discussed. One member asked if a rewrite was really necessary to accomplish what the subdivision needs to do. This will be up to the subsequent boards to decide.


ARC Report: Subdivision is 71% developed. The ARC has copies of plans for every home in the subdivision.


Website Discussion: A brief survey of those in attendance revealed that most find the website very helpful and have visited. A motion was made (and approved) to pay someone to maintain the website if a volunteer cannot be found to do so.


End of meeting open discussion: At this point in the meeting, the prospect of adjournment of the general meeting and subsequent election of new board members for the 4 vacancies via a special meeting was entertained. Volunteers were solicited to fill the 4 vacancies. There were NO volunteers. Therefore, a special meeting was felt to serve no purpose. It was explained to the membership present that the sole remaining member (Rebecca Brooks) will have to solicit volunteers once again to fill the vacancies as there is no other mechanism in the bylaws.


This resulted in a discussion of the various emails that have been circulated in the subdivision that played a significant role in resignations of those on the board. It was pointed out that many who have circulated such emails have sent emails criticizing those on the board to the entire subdivision, yet when they would subsequently apologize or retract/correct their statements; this was only done via private emails to either the board or to the person on the board responding to the email. An Association member requested that the minutes reflect the unanimous desire of those present that the sniping emails stop.


Many expressed that these emails have had a detrimental effect on what is otherwise a fantastic neighborhood.  One member asked that those on the board who have tendered their resignations reconsider, and moved for a vote of confidence to for the board. This vote passed. At the end of the meeting, none of the resigning members has committed to continuing to serve.


Respectfully submitted,


Darrin Johnson